PFNI Statement on mandatory use of face coverings
The Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland, Mark Lindsay, has issued the following comment to local press and media on the mandatory wearing of face coverings from today, Monday 10 August.
“The mandatory wearing of face masks is designed to stop the spread of this dreadful killer virus. It is for society to do all we can collectively to contain and, ultimately, subdue Coronavirus.
“It is not solely an issue for police officers. Yes, officers will be the final bulwark in enforcement, but retailers will also have a major part to play in making this mandatory instruction workable and effective.
“The vast majority of people will comply because they know the stakes couldn’t be higher. However, it is an impossibility to have a police officer outside every shop in every city and every town to ensure there is full compliance. Common sense and gentle persuasion will be infinitely more preferable than anything else.
“We should all remember why this order is being introduced and for all our sakes, I would appeal to the general public to help statutory agencies and retailers combat the virus."