PFNI congratulates Mark Hamilton on appointment as Deputy Chief Constable

PFNI congratulates Mark Hamilton on appointment as Deputy Chief Constable

5 years ago Members News

The Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland, Mark Lindsay, has congratulated Mark Hamilton on his appointment as the new PSNI Deputy Chief Constable.

Mr Lindsay said: “Mark Hamilton will hit the ground running. He is familiar with all the issues currently confronting the organisation and I know he will work tirelessly and professionally to address them.

“The PFNI looks forward to working closely with him for the benefit of all officers and, of course, this entire community. He will move from his current position of Assistant Chief Constable where he is responsible for District Policing Command.

“Experience gained over his twenty-five year career will prove invaluable and on behalf of the PFNI, I wish him well in his new and challenging post.”

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