Pensions Consultation update

Pensions Consultation update

4 years ago Members News


As you are aware last year both HM Treasury and Department of Finance carried out public consultation exercises in respect of all public sector pensions. These consultations set out a series of questions and proposals to remove the discrimination identified in the McCloud/Sargeant legal cases. PFNI understands that HM Treasury are imminently going to publish their response to the consultation exercise and announce the finer details of their policy decision. As the Northern Ireland consultation process closed around one month later than the HM Treasury exercise it is anticipated that the Department of Finances corresponding response will be published later.

PFNI will have to carefully consider both these responses before being able to establish what is being proposed and the implications for the police pension scheme members. In the interim PFNI will continue to attend both local and national meetings to discuss these responses and the implications of the finer details. It is expected that there will also be further consultations required in respect of any suggested amendments to the police pension schemes.

Further updates will continue to be provided as developments occur.

LJ Kelly, Secretary

Police Federation for Northern Ireland

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