PFNI calls for urgent action on ‘unacceptable’ delay on pay

PFNI calls for urgent action on ‘unacceptable’ delay on pay

3 years ago Pay Review Members News

The Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI), Mark Lindsay, is calling for immediate action to be taken over the failure to approve incremental pay awards for police officers to avoid any further unacceptable and unnecessary delay.

Police officers are appalled that incremental pay increases which should have been paid last September have still not appeared in payslips.

There has been no increase in general pay levels which means that police pay has fallen further by around 20% in real terms over 12 years.

Mr Lindsay said: “Our officers look at how MPs are getting a £2,200 pay rise while their pay is declining rapidly in real terms. Whilst MPs pay is rising, police officer pay is being eroded at an alarming rate. Officers are now rightfully asking, where is the fairness in public sector pay.

“Bad enough that they’re not getting a justifiable, across-the-board increase to combat inflation, soaring energy, fuel and food prices, but these contractual incremental increases are now seven months overdue.

“Getting approval for these increases should not take seven months or anything like it. 

“Bureaucracy in Northern Ireland is cumbersome, clunky and anything but joined-up. Pay increments are being bounced between the PSNI and the Departments of Justice and Finance with no one willing to take a decision.

“Many of the officers affected are those who are front and centre in protecting society and who have policed consistently through Covid. Their contractual increments have not yet been honoured, which is adding considerable strain to their families at a time of unprecedented cost of living increases. The delay in unacceptable and unnecessary and officers are demanding immediate action to end this shameful delay.

“Words of praise for the work officers do mean nothing when our Government doesn’t honour commitments made to them in respect of their salaries. With an Assembly election looming, this will be one of the first questions officers will be asking those who seek their votes.

This is a dreadful way to treat police officers who go above and beyond to deliver professional and dedicated services to the wider community. Frankly, they deserve and expect better.”

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