Londonderry incident is ‘warped and downright irresponsible’

Londonderry incident is ‘warped and downright irresponsible’

2 years ago Terrorism


The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) says the incident in Londonderry involving a delivery driver forced at gunpoint to drive his car with a suspicious object to Waterside Police Station is ‘warped and downright irresponsible’.

PFNI Chair, Liam Kelly, said: “This is reprehensible. The people who terrorised a delivery driver and then caused wholesale, unacceptable disruption to the community are morally bankrupt and heartless individuals.

“They are warped and downright irresponsible. To go to these lengths with a device that was an elaborate hoax shows that these are people who don’t care what upset or damage they cause by their reckless actions.

They are deluding themselves if they think they are advancing some kind of political goal by inflicting misery, inconvenience and disruption on young and old alike in the community.

“They need to stop these reckless actions. The people behind this incident must be condemned and shunned. People know who they are, and my appeal is to tell the Police what you know so they can apprehend them and bring them before the Courts.”

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