PFNI condemns cowardly attack on off-duty officer

PFNI condemns cowardly attack on off-duty officer

2 years ago Terrorism

PFNI condemns cowardly attack on off-duty officer

The Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland, Liam Kelly, has condemned as ‘barbaric and cold-blooded’ the gun attack in Omagh that has left an officer fighting for his life. 

Mr Kelly said: “It’s understood two gunmen were involved in the attack. The injured officer was shot a number of times whilst he coached young persons playing football.

“This was a callous, cold-blooded and barbaric attempted murder on an off-duty officer. The officer is well known and respected in the area and plays an active role in the community. He is also well known within policing circles and is highly regarded by his colleagues.

“The people who carried out this cowardly and shocking act must be quickly identified and apprehended and I would appeal to the community to assist the police in whatever way they can.

“These criminals offer nothing but misery, suffering and heartache. They are bereft of any semblance of humanity. They won’t succeed in their evil mission to create lawlessness and anarchy, and we will do all we can to thwart and frustrate them.

“My thoughts, and those of all police officers, are with our colleague and his family. The police ‘family’ is strong and resilient, and we’ll be there for him and his family in this dreadful hour of need.”

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