Officers want pay sorted out ‘as matter of urgency’

Officers want pay sorted out ‘as matter of urgency’

1 years ago Members News

Officers want pay sorted out ‘as matter of urgency’

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland says officers are looking forward to receiving a long-overdue pay rise and expect ratification of their award as a matter of urgency.

PFNI Chair Liam Kelly said: “The allocation of £75.3 million to the Department of Justice to deal with deficits and pay awards is heartening news.

“Our officers have been patiently waiting since last September for a pay increase. Counterparts in England and Wales received a 7% increase and the expectation is that our men and women will get the same.

“This allocation opens the door for the police officers pay recommendations to be ratified by the Justice Minister and I share the view of the Northern Ireland Executive that this process should be concluded as quickly as possible.

“To that end, I have written to the Justice Minister to request a meeting and bring the outstanding pay recommendations to a speedy conclusion. There are no negotiation elements in our pay process so this ratification should not be delayed any further. I don’t believe it’s unreasonable to expect that our colleagues should see the increase, and their backdated pay, in their March payslips.

“The new pay award process gets underway next month for 2024/25 and it’s in the interests of the Justice Minister, the Department and police officers that this is conducted and concluded without having to experience excessive delay once again.

“Our officers deserve to be treated fairly and this allocation made to the Department is a clear acknowledgement by the Northern Ireland Executive that police officers and all Public Sector workers deserved better.”

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