PFNI welcomes cash boost but warns of further pressures

PFNI welcomes cash boost but warns of further pressures

3 months ago Members News

PFNI welcomes cash boost  but warns of further pressures

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland says progress on overdue police pay is made possible following the allocation of an additional £36.7 million to the PSNI.

PFNI Chair, Liam Kelly, says the funding is ‘a desperately needed boost’, but is warning that further work will be required next year to put the PSNI back on the path to recovery.

Mr Kelly said: “The announcement by the Justice Minister eases worry and concern. I’m particularly pleased that the Chief Constable believes it will open the door to achieving progress on this year’s pay award.

“Our officers have been waiting since September for an annual pay increase and my hope is that it can be fast-tracked by both the Departments of Justice and Finance in time for Christmas.

“The extra funding is what was required to address financial pressures, including the pay award, and to safeguard the range of services provided. We have consistently argued for this level of funding to stabilise policing in what’s left of this financial year.

“More than that, we must now start work on a meaningful recovery plan to recruit hundreds more officers. We’re currently sitting at 6,300 when we should be 7,500 officers. We simply cannot go below that figure, otherwise we are in an irreversible spiral.

“The talk is of 7,000 over the next three years. If we can secure that commitment from the Justice Minister and the Executive, it will be a promising first step towards re-building and placing the PSNI on a solid footing.”

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