PFNI in renewed call for tougher sentences for assaults on officers

PFNI in renewed call for tougher sentences for assaults on officers

24 days ago Members News

PFNI in renewed call for tougher sentences  for assaults on officers

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland is once again calling for tougher sentences to be handed down to people who assault officers.

PFNI Chair Liam Kelly says the Courts must show a lead by adopting a tougher approach to assailants.

Mr Kelly said: “It is not part of the job to be kicked, head-butted, punched and spat at on our streets. In a wholly unacceptable catalogue of assaults, nine officers were injured in Derry-Londonderry over the weekend. Thankfully, all nine were able to remain on duty.

“Racial and sectarian comments were also hurled at some officers. This is appalling behaviour and points to intolerance and hatred. It must stop.

“In recent months, too many of our officers have been assaulted. What happened over a forty-eight-hour period in the north west is but the tip of the iceberg.

“Weekends, in particular, bring out the worst in some people who turn their anger on our men and women. They think it’s ok to target officers, to interfere in the lawful exercise of their duty and inflict injury.

“Our Courts must intervene. Once again, I ask for a no-nonsense approach to be taken whenever defendants appear in court. A strong, forceful message has to go out to attackers and others that they will pay a heavy price if they attack our officers.

“Monetary penalties alone aren’t enough of a deterrent. Custodial sentences are required to drive home the seriousness of assaulting a Police officer. A prison term will have knock-on consequences for the attacker including their employment and ability to travel to certain countries if they have a record.

“Tougher sentencing guidelines should be provided to the Courts to deal with this upsurge in violence against officers.”

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