PFNI welcome recruitment drive but says more’s needed to halt decline

PFNI welcome recruitment drive but says more’s needed to halt decline

1 months ago Members News

PFNI welcome recruitment drive but says more’s needed to halt decline

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) says the launch of a PSNI recruitment drive is an essential first step towards re-building officer numbers.

PFNI Chair Liam Kelly said: “Our hope is that this is a turning point. We have to halt the decline in officer numbers and work towards bringing the size of the Service up to where it needs to be.

“Reaching a headcount of 7,000 within three years is the ambition but it is all heavily conditional on the PSNI receiving a budget that allows it to go out and recruit.

“At present, we are 700 below the target figure of 7,000 and 1,200 short of the figure recommended for a peacetime Service of 7,500.

“Our officers face appalling work pressures with units and sections operating dangerously below strength. This is a crisis that has to be tackled for the sake of our entire community and right now, I don’t see any appetite from our political leaders to confront the challenge.

“Today’s recruitment drive launch is most welcome and an important starting point, but we will have to wait until March before we know the budget allocation for policing from the Department of Justice. This will qualify what the PSNI can afford to bring into the service. We are wholly supportive of this announcement and will continue to be engaged with the Service in helping to shape and configure the recruitment initiative.”

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