PFNI: Bravery awards going from strength to strength
The Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland Liam Kelly told 180 guests gathered for the Bravery and Excellence Awards that the annual event is going from strength to strength.
In total, there were twenty-eight award winners from Districts and Departments across all five PFNI Board areas, showcasing the selfless actions of officers from across Northern Ireland as they worked to save lives and combat crime.
The ceremony was attended by a variety of guests including the Justice Minister Naomi Long, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Fleur Anderson MP, Chief Constable Jon Boutcher and the Chair of the Northern Ireland Policing Board Mukesh Sharma.
In his address to guests, Mr Kelly said all too often, the day-to-day work carried out by officers went unnoticed or acknowledged.
Mr Kelly said: “We saw a gap that had to be filled and decided three years ago to do something about it.
“The Federation knew the demand was there. We also knew our men and women openly and warmly welcomed these awards and saw them as long overdue.
“We’re now at the point where I say with confidence that these awards are going from strength to strength. Entries are up. Categories are increased and no matter where you are in Northern Ireland, there’s an appetite to receive the recognition of colleagues and peers for exceptional policing work.
“Sadly, once again this year, we are unable to go beyond this room and the pages of ‘Police Beat’ to share with the wider community stories about the often excellent and heroic work that is done. Not because award nominees are shy and retiring, but regrettably because police still have to live with a constant threat from those who want to cause harm and distress to both us and our families.
“That is a crying shame. Yes, terrorist activity levels are down, but we are unable to relax our guard to the extent where we can give fulsome wider and deserved publicity to our colleagues who have gone the extra mile for the communities they serve.
“I and all my Federation officials and representatives are immensely proud of the work you do. We know the perilous risks you face every day. Police cars are rammed all too frequently, assaults and attacks on our officers relentlessly continue day and night and these abhorrent behaviours need to stop and offenders need to face more punitive sentences from our Courts.
“Later this year, the Federation will be embarking on a major drive to highlight the rising tide of assaults and attacks on our officers. It is not part of the job and we need our communities to support us so we can provide an effective policing service and keep them safe.”