Potential Holiday Pay Claim

The Chief Constable to date has not been including any remuneration in respect of non guaranteed overtime in annual holiday pay, in contravention to a recent case. As a result you MAY be entitled to bring a claim by way of an employment tribunal

The Chief Constable to date has not been including any remuneration in respect of non guaranteed overtime in annual holiday pay, in contravention to a recent case.  As a result you MAY be entitled to bring a claim by way of an employment tribunal to order the Chief Constable to pay you the difference between what you have been paid and what you should have been paid.  However each case will depend on the individual circumstances of each claimant. This will depend on when you have taken your annual leave and whether there has been a three month gap in taking periods of your leave.
We would therefore ask if you subscribe to the Police Federation for Northern Ireland Voluntary Fund and you wish your case to be considered then please apply for legal advice and assistance to attend with Edwards & Company and give instructions.
Applications will be collated between todays date 9th December 2015 and the 30th January 2016.
In summary you may be entitled to lodge a claim where you have worked non-guaranteed overtime with sufficient regularity and have availed of annual leave but were not paid taking account of such overtime. Any annual leave must be within three months of the date of claim.
If you believe you have a claim then please do not contact the office but complete the application form and provide the below details and we can advise.
When confirming please provide the following information:-

  1. Do you regularly work overtime?
  2. Your current annual holiday entitlement.
  3. Your current holiday year.
  4. The number of holidays taken during the current holiday year.
  5. Date of last holiday taken as actual annual leave excluding any rest days falling in that period.
  6. A detailed list of the periods and dates of holidays taken.


Yours faithfully
Marty Whittle

Potential Holiday Pay Claim