Belfast solicitors, Edwards & Co. says the Supreme Court Judgment ‘is a resounding and emphatic outcome’ for almost 4,000 PSNI officers it represents in the long-running holiday pay case.
1 years Holiday PayThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland says the Supreme Court Judgement on holiday pay is ‘the most significant legal milestone’ into securing what is due to thousands of officers.
1 years Holiday PayAn extraordinary meeting of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) has unanimously passed a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the Deputy Chief Constable. It also voted to express no confidence in the Chief Operating Officer and the Assistant Chief Officer.
1 years Members NewsThe Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland, Liam Kelly, says the Chief Constable’s position became questionable and then untenable.
1 years Members NewsStatement from Police Federation for Northern Ireland Chair, Liam Kelly, following comments made by the Chief Constable after the Northern Ireland Policing Board meeting
1 years Members News