The Police Treatment Centre
Subscribing serving members may apply for intensive treatment for physiotherapy and psychological and wellbeing for a two week programme.
Retired members who were subscribing to the Benevolent Fund whilst serving may also apply for a one week physiotherapy programme.
Grants and Loans
The Fund aims to provide assistance to help support members, ex-members, police widows and dependant children who find themselves experiencing financial hardship or difficulty. In all instances, a case of need must be identified.
Members should contact the Benevolent Fund office to arrange for a representative to visit and present their cases to the Committee.
Holiday Accommodation
The Fund provides holiday apartments for members and widows, these are available on a weekly basis.
Widows and Mothers Holiday
Weekend trips are organised annually for eligible widows and mothers.
Local Voluntary Welfare Groups
Welfare support is provided through your local voluntary welfare group. This may also include organised holidays, trips and outings and social events. Contact the Benevolent Fund for your local Group.
Rowland Betty Charitable Foundation
The Foundation proposes to award a number of small grants each year to children of an officer or ex officer, under the age of 21 to support in the study or research into the Arts and Music Education.
Police Dependants Trust
The Trust provides welfare support and financial assistance to medically retired officers, widows and dependants, assistance grants and educational bursaries are dependent upon family income.
Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme
Have you been permanently disabled/injured as a direct result of a Troubles related Incident? If you were, you may be eligible to apply to the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme.
Click here for more information >
We are a Charity, the work of the Fund depends on voluntary donations. All contributions, great or small, are most appreciated.
If you would like to donate by post, please print off and complete our Gift Aid Form (found below) and enclose it with your donation. This enables us to reclaim the tax on your donation so for every £10 you donate we receive £12.50, at no extra cost to you.
Gift Aid A (for non-police personnel)
Gift Aid B (for serving PSNI Officers)
Gift Aid C (for retired RUCGC/PSNI Officers)
Cheques should be made payable to RUCGC-PSNI Benevolent Fund. Please do not send cash through the post.
RUCGC-PSNI Benevolent Fund
77-79 Garnerville Road
Users can sign in to the members section of the website for more information and to download application forms.