Police Mutual

Police Mutual was set up by the police for the police in 1866 and we are still a member owned business, which means -

  1. We don’t have any shareholders and are run on a not for profit basis
  2. We can focus on the things that matter to you
  3. We use our resources to help improve our members’ lives
  4. We’re passionate about investing in your wellbeing and the things you care about

Who can become a Police Mutual Member?

We’re not just here to help serving or retired Police Officers access great value financial products, insurance, money advice and more. We like to share the benefits with the whole Police family. That’s why we also welcome:

  1. Police Staff
  2. The families of current and retired Police employees, from immediate family to nephews, nieces and even the in-laws

Our Products and Services

We offer a wide selection of financial services products including savings, healthcare, mortgages, home and motor insurance.  As well as a range of wellbeing support services, for more details check out the For You pages on our website at www.policemutual.co.uk

Financial Wellbeing

A recent survey* revealed 71% of officers feel that they are worse off now than they were 5 years ago with 29% of officers feeling that their pay isn’t adequate to pay for the basic things in life.

We recognise that how financially secure you feel has a big impact on your wellbeing. Yet while we’re getting better at talking about our mental health, we’re less comfortable talking about money.

At Police Mutual we’re here to help –

  1. Lets promote positive financial wellbeing
  2. Officers and staff make better financial decisions
  3. Build financial resilience
  4. Encourage people to talk openly about their finances and seek support when they need it

We want to break down the stigma surrounding debt and get people talking about money. We have recently launched Let’s Talk Money which is a new monthly newsletter to help you stay financially fit.  Each month you’ll get helpful advice on topics covering everything from savings & investments, to mortgages & debt.  To see all topics in the series click here.

Lets Talk Money Guide> 

*2018 PFNI Workforce Survey