Critical Illness
£10,000 benefit if you, or £2,500 if your child suffers from one the following illnesses and survives 14 days from diagnosis: Alzheimer’s Disease (before age 65), Angioplasty, Aorta graft surgery, Aplastic Anaemia (with permanent bone marrow failure), Bacterial Meningitis, Benign Brain Tumour, Blindness, Cancer, Cardiomyopathy, Coma, Coronary artery bypass grafts, Creutzfaldt-Jacob Disease, Deafness, Dementia/Pre-Senile
Dementia (resulting in permanent symptoms), Encephalitis, Heart attack, Heart Valve Replacement or Repair - with surgery to divide the breastbone, HIV infection and Hepatitis B Virus, Kidney failure, Liver Failure, Loss of hand or foot, Loss of Speech, Major Organ Transplant, Motor Neuron Disease (before age 65), Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis of limbs, Parkinson’s Disease (before age 65), Primary Pulmonary Hypertension,,Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Pulmonary Artery Surgery, Respitory Failure, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stroke, Terminal Illness, Third Degree Burns,
Traumatic Head Injury.