Reaction by PFNI Chairperson, Mark Lindsay to PSNI Overtime Bill

Reaction by PFNI Chairperson, Mark Lindsay to PSNI Overtime Bill

7 years ago Resources

Reaction by PFNI Chairperson, Mark Lindsay to PSNI Overtime Bill

Mark Lindsay, Chairperson, Police Federation for Northern Ireland, said: “Obviously Officers worked the hours to justify the overtime payments. If there wasn’t a need for Officers to be on shift, then the overtime bill would be a lot less, but there is a crying need as they tackle the full range of crime and terrorism in Northern Ireland. Overtime isn’t the best way to maintain a Police service to the public, but it has to be used as a last resort when you don’t have the numbers on the ground to maintain normal work patterns. The issue for us is the fact that we have too few Officers working excessive hours and shifts. They go the extra mile at some considerable cost to themselves and their families and, yes, that involves overtime, but there’s no other option open to them.”

Source: Belfast Telegraph

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