Police Ombudsman advised not to stray beyond remit

Police Ombudsman advised not to stray beyond remit

24 days ago Members News

Police Ombudsman advised not to stray beyond remit

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland is advising the Police Ombudsman not to stray beyond her remit after a High Court Judge held last week that she had exceeded her powers.


PFNI Chair Liam Kelly said the judgment made clear that it was not for the Ombudsman to make determinations as to whether criminal conduct or even misconduct had occurred.


Mr Kelly said: “The Court has been clear that the Ombudsman exceeded her remit.


“The Police Federation for Northern Ireland supported this legal action and is delighted by the findings of the Court.   


“The outcome confirms that the Police Ombudsman must stay within the tramlines of the legislation that established her office. It is worth pointing out that the Ombudsman exceeded her powers in the conclusions section of not one but three separate reports.”


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